Wednesday 3 August 2011

Skipton Castle

Yesterday Charlie, Courtney and myself had a day trip out to Skipton. The weather didn't look so good as we set off (originally we were going to Blackpool!) It rained almost all of the way there. We stopped off for a mooch at Embsay first before making our way down to the castle just as the sun was starting to come out! It was really interesting there and the leaflet we were given for walking around the castle was brilliant! There were lots of doorways and each were drawn on the leaflet to follow! Charlie and Courtney enjoyed looking out of the windows and shouting in the echoey bits! There were a few tricky steps to maneuver around but both children did brilliantly with them. In the centre of the castle there is a Yew tree which was planted 329 years ago! Elizabeth and I were enthralled by it's twisting trunk! On the way home we called in at Country harvest and picked up Daddy a nice piece of lemon drizzle cake!

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