Thursday 3 March 2011

These make me happy!

I just had to photograph the children's door plaques, I can't tell you how much I love these, not only because they are sooooo cute but that they symbolise my 2 beautiful children sleep in that room. As our bungalow has 2 bedrooms downstairs and 2 upstairs the children are too young to sleep upstairs alone so at the moment they share. It's so lovely to hear them in a morning 'chatting' to one another, of course Courtney is saying very little at the moment but she make herself understood! Charlie really enjoys making Courtney giggle, you can hear the peepo's and larky noises that she just loves! The bedroom that they sleep in has such a lovely atmosphere, before we had the children I used to sit in there and imagine how it would be with a baby in it and now it has 2! I am very blessed♥