Little Miss Courtney was 5 yesterday! She was super excited! She was at school for her Birthday so we had a quick pressie opening before.
She skipped happily into school, apparently they get to ring the bell when it's their Birthday! Whilst she was at school Calico claimed her castle! She stayed in there all day until Courtney came home and repossession took place, lol!
We'd never done this before but we decided to hold her party on her actual Birthday. It seemed to work well. Here she is all ready!
The party was absolutely amazing, it was at Madam Chocolat in Morecambe. We were greeted with a chocolate fountain, always popular! The first half an hour the children were taught about cookie mix, how sugar makes it sweet, how margarine makes it all stick together etc, then they got to cut shapes out of it. Each child was given a baking tray with baking paper to write their names on. Their shapes were then put on them to be cooked. The second half an hour was food time, all beautifully served on china crockery and jelly set into china tea sweet. The last half hour was messy....very messy!! Cupcake decorating time, whatever you can think of to decorate a cupcake was there and nothing was in short supply, all the children had a whale of a time! At the end each child had a box of biscuits and 4 decorated cupcakes. We did buy the party bags too but they weren't really needed.
The day still wasn't over, when we got home family came to visit to sing another round of Happy Birthday and another lot of candles to blow out! Daddy made Courtney a number 5 cake, it was fab!
What fun! Happy birthday, Courtney!