Friday, 31 May 2013

Morrison's trucks

This is a story I have been waiting to share for a very long time! When we go on the motorway I try and have a camera poised ready to take a photo but then of course when it happens there is no camera to hand and we miss the moment completely! I've been trying for so long that lately the camera actually only comes out when one goes past and reminds me! Or, of course when the camera is poised we don't see one!
Let me explain! In the car we play a game which Charlie made up. Around 3 Christmas's ago our neighbour bought Charlie a Morrison's truck with fish on the side. Since then we play 'Morrison's truck spotting!' As we drive along the motorway we spot the yellow cabs in the distance and then all guess what the picture is on the side! There are 4 in the fleet, fish as already said, bread, tomatoes and our favourite strawberries! It's a fun game and helps pass the time. It so fun that even when the children aren't in the car I still play along! (Once Karin was driving, who was not familiar with our game and when I got excited on seeing one, I made her jump, whoops!!) We also play the game if we see one locally as we have a Morrison's in Morecambe.
So, fast forward to today. Charlie and I were driving along the promenade to pick Courtney up from Nursery and saw a truck coming, we both guessed strawberries and it was! After picking her up I thought I'd try and surprise them by seeing if the truck was still at Morrisons, it was and better still it was about to leave! There was a new truck ready to go in (a plain white one, they're boring!) but I had a word with the driver who in turn went to speak to the strawberry truck driver. They both thought it was a great game and he brought his truck out for Charlie and Courtney to see! There was such excitement and the driver was really kind and talked to Charlie and Courtney for a few minutes.

We treated Charlie quite a while ago to a strawberry truck and when we got home he was inspired! He went upstairs and built a Morrison's where his trucks were delivering!

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