Mark had worked in Silverdale earlier in the week and said if it was nice today we'd have a run out there. Silverdale is a small village near to Carnforth (where I grew up.) I used to visit regularly with my Grandma after I passed my driving test. It was also somewhere I also visited often as a child, our treat being going on the 'switchbacks' in Grandad's car on the way home! Imagine 30 years ago, my Grandad had an old car, not very comfortable compared to today's standards driving along a bumpy road with several small sharp mounds, the sort that make your tummy flip! It was great fun!
Mark and I have been to Silverdale a couple of times since we've been together but not for a long time. It was beautiful today, unbelievably bright and sunny. After our recent terrible weather it made a very nice change! We went down to the shore first, the tide was in so we could only walk across the rocky area. The view was so picturesque. We took the photo above there. Then we made our way to
Wolf House Gallery and had some lunch after looking around. I'd promised Charlie and Courtney and ride on the 'swithbacks,' neither of them knew what to expect but their giggles whilst going along brought back memories of my childhood. I love when that happens.
Today also marks a special anniversary for us. It's not something I can ever remember talking about on my blog before but as it's important to us and still very much a part of our lives, I would like to now. Today is the 10th anniversary of my due date when we were pregnant. This means if everything had gone alright all those years ago we'd be parents to a child around 10 years old now! With Charlie only being 5 and Courtney being 3 that's a little hard to imagine!
After years of fertility treatments, firstly 8 rounds of ovulation induction, then IVF and potions (I kid you not!) we were delighted to be pregnant after the second attempt of IVF/ICSI. Sadly I miscarried early into the pregnancy. We tried IVF another 4 times but sadly none worked again. I have so much to be thankful for during the fertility journey. I leaned so much about myself, my strength and courage and how solid our marriage was. We've always been on the same page so have never been tested but I felt extremely secure. When I was 17 I was told it would be very difficult to get pregnant, as sad as I was at that age at least I knew. Mark and I were referred straight away when we wanted to try. So although it ended sadly I can always be pleased that I did get pregnant.
I'm not dwelling on the anniversary, it's just that part of us that I'll always remember. Today I am extremely grateful for Charlie and Courtney, they are such beautiful children (like any child they have their moments but hey!) We had a long road along the adoption journey too, both times, but I would do it all a million times over again to have what we have now.