It's taken me a couple of days to catch up with myself after our lovely weekend away! On May Day bank holiday we met up with our lovely friends,
Jen, Grant and their boys Daniel and Noah at
The Forbidden Corner near Leyburn. (We realised this was more or less half way home from Durham, that's why we stayed an extra night)
We had a lovely day out with them, it was a very precious day for me as I've been friends with Jen for years and soon they're emigrating to New Zealand. Whilst I know this is a fantastic move for them all I am going to miss them terribly! Anyway I won't dwell on that as I said it's a fabulous move for them and we have every intention of visiting once they are settled.
The Forbidden Corner is literally off the beaten track, so much so that there aren't any signs for it and had we not got the SatNav I didn't like our chances of finding it, LOL! Still it was a very popular place and there was a good crowd there but not too many that it was uncomfortable. It's full of mysteries and nooks and crannys that are perfect for investigating! It even has a 'burpy monster' as Charlie called it! At the entrance you walk through a structure, into it's mouth and as you walk through a huge uvula (I had to google that, LOL) moves and the mouth makes a burping sound! We all really enjoyed the tunnels too, lots of paths leading off, a revolving floor and a giant cat!!
We had a lovely picnic there too sitting in the glorious sunshine.
Thank you Jen, Grant, Daniel and Noah for such a lovely day. xxx
(I am aware I haven't 'hearted' out Courtney's face but I don't feel even brought up bigger that you can see her face well)